Friday, January 13, 2012

Fool me once, shame on you . . . Fool me twice shame on me.

Dear Senator Brown;

I held a sign for you in the freezing cold; I encouraged friends to donate to your campaign; I voted for you; and I had reasonable expectations of you--I believed you would represent my interest in a constitutionally-limited government--NO MORE . . . NO LESS.

When you voted for cloture of the Dodd-Frank Financial Regulation Reform Bill, I began to question my vote for you. When you cast the NUMBER 41" vote to pass the Dodd-Frank Bill, encompassing the 500-million-dollar Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, (CFPB), I questioned your authenticity as a conservative republican.

When a constituent questioned you as to why you voted in favor of Dodd-Frank, you responded, "IT WAS GOOD FOR THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS."

When questioned why you sanctioned the overhauling of the Dodd-Frank Bill by the two men responsible for the breakdown of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, you responded, "we'll get to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac next year.

Senator Brown, 'next year' has come and gone as have Dodd and the departing Barney Frank– BOTH UNSCATHED BY THE DEBACLE THEY CREATED in our ailing economy.

On January sixth it was announced that BILLIONS MORE would be directed to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in order to boost our abysmal housing market. I now ask—WHAT COULD BE MORE IRRESPONSIBLE THAN TO FUEL A BROKEN AGENCY THAT HAS LOST ALL CREDIBILITY . . . Was this your intention when you said “we’ll get to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac next year?

Adding to my disillusionment, on January 4th you made a public announcement congratulating the President for circumventing Congress, in making a 'recess' appointment of Richard Cordray to head the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau of the Dodd-Frank Bill.

The problem, Senator Brown, was that the CONGRESS WAS NOT IN RECESS; the technicality was called a 'pro-forma.' To be certain, 'pro forma' is a legal, constitutional technicality—as is the filibuster—but it is a credential that has never been ignored . . . until now.

We now have a Financial Regulatory Reform Bill that is not only strangling small banks, but has the potential to perpetuate 'too big to fail' for the larger banks.

NEVER have we witnessed a regulatory agency that is accountable only to the executive branch . . .

There is no balance of power. There is no regard for our Constitution.

I have now grouped you with Susan Collins, Olympia Snow and John McCain. ALL OF YOU PROGRESSIVE REPUBLICANS seem to prefer the limousines of the Beltway to the humble pickup truck of Wrentham, Massachusetts. This is a sad scenario for the voters of Massachusetts and the United States of America.

I shall encourage all voters to hold you accountable for these actions before we vote for you again in November 2012.


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