Monday, November 22, 2010

A Favor, Please, Mr. President

Dear President Obama,

I realize you are busy; perhaps you will not have the time to read this, but I am compelled to send it anyway.

A favor please:

For the next 4 weeks--over the holiday season--could you and Michelle and your two precious daughters please fly commercially along with the rest of us. Could you please go to the airport. . . go thru the pat downs, the grope-ups and the screw-ups. . . the way the rest of us do when we go to the airport to travel to family during these all-important days of Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Could you please get to the airport a few hours early to allow for the "opt-out" on Wednsday, the day before

Thanksgiving and feel the anxiety of families around you.

Then, after you find your seat and store your luggage in the overhead compartment, could you please take a moment to look at the faces of your family and give some thought to the cargo residing underneath them in the belly of that commercial airline, luggage that HAS NOT BEEN SCREENED, EXAMINED, OR X-RAYED FOR EXPLOSIVE DEVICES IN PRINTERS, LAPTOPS OR WHATEVER THESE JIHADISTS HAVE COME UP WITH TO KILL US. . . .

The technology and the screening of ALL cargo would restore and convert a dissallusioned public into feeling more secure. . . and restore our faith that our government's first and foremost priority is to provide safety for it's citizens.


PLEASE, just for one month, may I use Air Force One and you take a commercial flight in place of me and my cherished loved ones . . . Only then can you begin to understand how frightening it is for many to realize that all the efforts by the TSA are futile without proper screening of cargo and without adequate technology for each and every reservation made on a commercial airline.

PLEASE, MR. PRESIDENT, LET ME REMIND YOU AND MR. BRENNAN, your Chief Anti-terrorism Advisor, about a brilliant search engine by the name of GOOGLE. . . . By merely typing a word in your Google block, you are able to acquire extensive information on anything from Thornton Dental Floss to the atomic bomb. . . . .

I suggest you speak with Google to update the process of making a flight reservation. . . . . red-flagging overseas travelers/ mideast travel, those on the no-fly list. . . . For forty years, El Al has been successfully scrutinizing every commercial airline passenger, thus preventing our 9/11.

I would appreciate your considering this proposal; however, may I suggest you wear loafers, as they are much more readily removed for screening. And please remind Michelle and the girls, three ounces only, of sunscreen and shampoo.


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

May we Always be FREE!

Freedom is similar to breathing . . . we never really appreciate breathing ‘til we grow short of breath . . . Then we are forever changed, and we grow to appreciate every breath we take . . . and so it is with being free.

For sure, I have grown to appreciate my freedom . . . every hour of every day; and when I am asked why I decorate my automobile with old glory and bumper stickers of the armed forces, I am compelled to say," I walk out my door in the morning . . . and I am free! I sip on coffee of my choice; I attend the church of my choice; I read a newspaper of my choice; I voice my opinion without fear or intimidation . . . I am free!

But as the bumper stickers on my car attest," Freedom is NOT free." Brave men and women grace this planet and defend our freedom every day . . . They leave their families, their jobs, their every-day lives to walk unchartered lands defending our freedoms . . . keeping us free . . .

Consequently, in honor of these beautiful patriots, please – if you would – take the time to thank one of our men or women in uniform for your freedom. More than likely, as this happened yesterday to me, they will look you in the eye, reach out to shake your hand and respond with the utmost humility, "You're welcome, ma'am. It was my honor."

These men and women are remarkable in principle and patriotism . . .

God Bless them all, past and present. . .
God Bless the United States of America . . .
May we always be free!