Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Twenty years ago, November 9th, 1989.... I remember where I was when the news came over that the Berlin wall was being destroyed... My three elementary-aged children had left for school, I turned the TV on while stripping some beds; a picture came on showing a man with a sledge hammer pounding a hole in 'the wall.' I sat on the floor of our playroom to watch as the cement fell and the prospect of a newfound hole became slightly visible. As the cement began to crumble with more ease than the first hard-hit pummeling, a finger appeared...the man stopped and put his finger thru the hole and screamed, 'Is that you Sachia?" (I believe that was the name). I sat on my floor and cried like a baby; I sobbed as I watched the continuing coverage.... as East reunited with West, as families fell into each other's arms, the human touch transcended all politics, all logic, all red tape...

Twenty years later, we celebrate the enormity of this gigantic gesture.... In 1987, President Reagan exclaimed, "Gorbechev, take down this wall." Two years later.... the wall came down.

Now, in the United States of America we are witnessing a wall of division.

For 83% of us who have been responsible about choosing our healthcare for our families and ourselves, we are now being told that our government will make those choices for us.

I ask you to follow the link below to a Wall Street Journal article written by Betsy McCaughey. She has read the bill three times and has an articulate presentation.


After you read this article, I hope that it will inspire you to call the senators listed below, who will be instrumental in passing the healthcare overhaul.

Sen. Evan Bayh (D-IN) 202-224-5623
Sen. Kent Conrad (D-ND) 202-224-2043
Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-AR) 202-224-4843
Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) 202-224-4041
Sen. Byron Dorgan (D-ND) 202-224-2551
Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO) 202-224-6154
Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA) 202-224-5824
Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL) 202-224-5274
Sen. Ben Nelson (D-NE) 202-224-6551

ONE ADDITIONAL, NOTE-WORTHY FACT: The stimulus bill of 787 billion dollars allows for the implementation of IMAC (Intermediary Medical Advisory Commission). This governmental agency would determine your medical care. If you need a hip replacement – it would be IMAC, NOT YOUR DOCTOR to make this decision. By 2013 all medical records will be electronically filed through Washington DC and IMAC will make all of your medical decisions.

Friday, October 30, 2009


Let me put this in practical, everyday terms:

If you hired a babysitter for ten dollars an hour, only to come home and have her tell you she changed her mind...that she now charges $30
an hour.... would you hire her again?

If you hired a painter to paint your house white, only to come home and find it yellow, would you hire him again?

My confidence in this administration has diminished.... due to the following events:

FLU VACCINES 2009: In late July, the American public was told that 120 million vaccinations would be made available to Americans by late Fall, 2009.... (This was declared by Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health, on CNN)

To date, we have had 16 million to 20 million vaccines available.

This is noteworthy, please understand:
This year, FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HISTORY, our government – NOT private drug companies – is distributing the vaccine...This administration has taken over the process of distribution and HAS FAILED US...

E-VERIFY SYSTEM: Our E-Verify system, a 97-percent-effective program to check on the validity of Social Security Numbers throughout our country, has been discontinued. After two postponements by Homeland Security Secretary, Janet Napolitano, the E-Verify system will 'lapse' ... This program was working effectively in tracing illegal immigrants; however, this administration has cancelled it. Please ask yourself whom your government is protecting...you or the illegals?

CASH FOR CLUNKERS PROGRAM: We are told by the Associated Press that the “Cash for Clunkers” Program, which was to provide $4,500.00 to each recipient participating, in actuality, each clunker has cost us as taxpayers $24,000.00. Your money and my money at work?

STIMULUS BILL: Yesterday, we were told by the Government Accounting Office that Stimulus checks were mailed out to thousands of incarcerated felons and dead people. Don’t you wonder how this could happen? So much for “don’t mess with Joe.”

FIRST-TIME HOME CREDITS: Today, the Associated Press tells us that the First-Time Home Credit of $8,000.00, has actually cost us $43,000.... Once again, a failure in transparency, a failure in tracking our taxpayer dollars on whitehouse.gov, a failure in accountability... Don’t you wonder how this could happen? But think again…

This is the same administration that wants to take over our healthcare. This is the same administration that knows 88% of us have healthcare and 73% of those consider their healthcare good to excellent. There is no need for our present healthcare to be overhauled – what we need is tweaking and refining: Portability (competition from state to state); Medicare and Medicaid fraud: Tort reform; and allowing for pre-existing conditions. Addressing these four issues would save billions of dollars and give us the healthcare we deserve.

Attention responsible Americans:

While many of us watched the 'balloon-boy scam" in the skies over Colorado, the real scam was taking place in our country's capitol, Washington D C.

Behind closed doors, the democrats were filling a 1990-page healthcare bill, disguising a government-run ‘public option’ as a “consumer option” or a “non-profit co-op”; DO NOT BE FOOLED – all of these are government-run options and will put private insurance companies out of business, and leave us with no alternative.

So much for transparency and no back-room deals.

I BEG YOU, please, call your senators (link to the left), express your opinion against any form of Government-run healthcare-public option. Write a letter to your congressman or call the White House Comment line, 1-202-456-1111...

PLEASE DO SOMETHING – before we witness this administration succeed in the over-reaching of our personal healthcare. If they are in charge of one-sixth of our economy, we surely are no longer 'the republic for which it stands..."


Friday, October 16, 2009


PLEASE, AMERICA: Listen hard....
these are the hard facts...
Our government now controls the auto industry....
Our government now controls our banking system....
Our government is about to control all college loans....


The White House will be the only entity to issue college loans. This bill has now passed the house and on its way to the senate...
Here comes healthcare... 18 percent of our economy...
88 percent of us have health insurance. We the people have labored long and hard to do our research on our health insurance... for our children, our aging parents, and our disabled sibling.... We do our homework, so that our loved ones are secure in case of sickness....

Of the 88 percent of Americans who hold insurance, at least 78 percent of those people consider their insurance good or excellent....
this high percentage IS NO ACCIDENT... MOST OF US consider health insurance and the education of our children the two most personal issues...They are QUALITY-OF-LIFE issues, often determining just whether or not we succeed....

Behind closed doors, 4 people are making the decision on your healthcare:
Max Baucus, Rahm Emmanuel, Harry Reid, and Chris Dodd...
PLEASE, CALL or SEND A ONE-LINE NOTE to each of them, opposing this healthcare reform bill. Please INSIST that this administration FULFILL ITS PROMISE of SEPT. 22, 2008:

That there would be NO closed door meetings to decide public policy.
That the Obama administration would bring 'total transparency' to this administration.
That no lobbyists would have a 'seat at the table’.
That ALL bills would be posted on the web for at least 5 days before being voted upon.














Tuesday, October 6, 2009



This week and next week will be pivotal in passing a version of the healthcare Reform.... I need to make this 'posting' direct, short and to the point:

We need your fingers to dial...The Senate Finance Committee members. We must put PUBLIC PRESSURE on Washington D. C. to let them know the outrage we feel to have this enormous healthcare bill voted upon without our being able to read it online…

Please think about the fact that we were promised TOTAL transparency from this administration…

Healthcare and education are the two most personal issues of our lives….

Healthcare and education are the framework of our parental lives. Most of us have spent an enormous amount of time researching for the best possible healthcare for our families, our aging parents and perhaps for a disabled sibling…

AFTER being conscientious, we are now being told that the government will be making these choices for us....


Please follow the link to the left to call the members of the Senate Finance Committee.

God bless you and God bless the United States of America

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

And the Flag was still there!

September 12, 2009 - 6:30 am

12th Street to 6th Street and thereabouts....
mild and balmy....
quiet and still...
I walked to find a Dunkin Donuts....
Trickles of humanity with flags and signs,walking north in ones and twos on sidewalks....Streets still quiet, But looking left and right, larger groups of people, dressed in red, white and blue starting to appear from far-off blocks surrounding Pennsylvania Ave...

My heart began to feel excitement....
Could this be the beginning of freedom...
I exited with my coffee and there to my left was a huge American flag, 3 blocks down with feet below it, travelling down Pennsylvania Ave...
America was here.... on the march....voting and speaking 'with their feet...."
Thank God I had 'gotten off the couch' and come.....
Five minutes later, I heard my name...a sister of mine had gotten on the 'night train' from Boston.... exclaiming, "I had to come!"
My sister had gotten off the train at Union station. She said at least 150 people got off the train dressed in red, white and blue, from Connecticut,
from New Jersey, from New York, from Massachusetts...with signs of patriotism....
She asked them, "where are you going.' And a voice responded, "Towards Freedom...join us!"
And we did....
The crowd gathered at Freedom Plaza, originally planning for the march to begin at 11 am...
The crowd became so thick, that the police had the march begin about 9 am....
By that time, all we could see were huge groups of patriots coming from all directions, north, south, east, and west, toward Pennsylvania Ave.
They came by the busloads, by train, by plane.... they came by foot...
on crutches, in wheel chairs, with canes and strollers...young families with infants strapped to their chests in snugglies, small flags attached to young toddlers'
jackets.... a senior I spoke to had been on a bus from Kansas for 16 hours, 4 shots of Insulin later.... he graced the steps of Pennsylvania Ave.
The crowd grew...
I marched with two courageous sisters, and then we stepped out of the march, stood on the sidelines and held our signs high above our heads....
Our signs read, "and the flag was still there..."
As patriots passed, they began to sing the Star Spangled Banner.... hundreds of marchers took pictures of the sign we held, with tears in their eyes.... yes, they chanted, 'and the flag was still there....'
These patriots were not "Astroturf" as Nancy Pelosi had said; these patriots were not thugs; these patriots came to their capitol to reclaim their Freedom....
This was Concord, this was Lexington, this was human spirit at its finest hour....
clean, pure, and well intentioned....
Yes, we marched.... 1.3 million of us....
And as we marched by the archives building and read with pride the first article of the Constitution, we fully realized how our forefathers felt as they
laid down their lives ...and their names.... on The Constitution....

Dearest patriots,
Freedom is like fresh air.... No one talks about how precious the air is that we breathe until we are short of breath. Once we experience that 'gasping’ of breath,
we speak of air as being precious.... so it is with Freedom. We have taken our precious freedom for granted for many years....
But Freedom is not free;
I cannot - I shall not - ask our brave men and women to die in Afghanistan and Iraq to defend our freedom if I am not willing to fight for my freedom here at home...
The march on September twelfth was the beginning.... only the beginning....
now we must take to the phones, make calls to our congressmen, our senators, the 'gang of six."
Yes, this is a 'call to arms; and I ask you to join me...
so that our children and our grandchildren will breathe the air of freedom for the rest of their lives...
Kindly follow the links above titled "Contact Info" to reach your Senators and Congressmen....

God Bless YOU and God Bless America....

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


I attended a 'moms against Obamacare rally' last night . . about 100 caring, sweet American-loving patriots showed up to speak their hearts and their minds against what they perceive as still-another power grab by this administration . . . I question a few strangers, "Do Americans just not realize what is happening? Do people really think 'don't worry, this will be over in 4 years." The complacency to the past 8 months of this administration I can partly understand . . . We Americans are spoiled rotten with our own freedom; and because this administration has ruled by executive order and by a 'crisis mode,' many Americans do believe that this administration has our best interests at hand . . .

I do not believe that the HR3200 Healthcare Overhaul has anything to do with our health . . . although the passage of it may well make many of us very sick....
I do believe that with five adjustments to the present system, we Americans could share in a highly efficient healthcare system . . .
Here are a few suggestions:
1. Address tort reform . . .

2. Allow for 'mobility' of present insurance . . . ability to cross over state lines when you move residence or change jobs. *
3. Eliminate fraud in Medicare and Medicaid
4. Address the 6-year patent that exists with drug companies (Included in HR3200, Obama has reversed his campaign promise to lessen the number of years before drugs become generic . . . Obama has now ‘made a deal with drug companies’ to EXTEND the number of years to 12 years, allowing enormous profits to the drug companies . . . and, of course, adding to the patient's cost . . .
5. Refine/reform 'pre-existing conditions*

* These were "goodies' given to the insurance companies by Congress, to bring them onboard.

I DO NOT BELIEVE that the takeover of Chrysler and General Motors had anything to do with cars or autos or, for that fact, saving the state of Michigan . . . I do believe those takeovers were still another power grab by this administration . . . ignoring the basis of contractual law in the process of the takeover.

I DO NOT BELIEVE THAT buying 34 percent of Citigroup by transferring preferred into common stocks by our government was anything but yet-another means to control our banking system . . .

PLEASE THINK ABOUT THIS: The takeover of the auto industry, the banking industry (including the Treasury), and the healthcare industry (one-sixth of our GDP) all represent an overreaching of big government. This overreaching is something our forefathers tried to prevent.

Please, America, wake up.... please march with me in Washington DC this Saturday, September 12th, from Freedom Plaza to Capital Hill. We need to present a united front to the current administration. We need to make the current administration understand that ‘they work for us - we do not work for them.’

This is a republic not a dictatorship.

If ever in your life you were going to attend a protest or a march, please let it be this Saturday in Washington DC at 9 am.
PLEASE COME SPEAK FOR DEMOCRACY...Before it is too late...

God Bless you, and God Bless the United States of America

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Obama Dictionary of Trickery

Here is a problem:
The Obama Administration is brilliant in 'adjusting' their language when they find out from the polls that we Americans do not like certain words, i.e., we don't like
the word 'nationalizing,' our banks, so Geitner decided to convert preferred stock to common (The U. S. Government now owns 34 percent of Citigroup). When polls indicated that Americans shuddered at the thought of a government 'takeover' of the auto industry, the current administration decided to rename the process as a "rescue." The administration proceeded to ignore contractual law, take control of Chrysler and General Motors, rewarding the unions with substantial ownership and left hundreds of dealerships across our country literally "out in the cold," even though most of these dealerships were profitable . . . .
When the Obama Administration realized the outcry from Americans concerning the" card-check".... eliminating secret ballots for union membership.... wisely, the administration renamed the amendment "Freedom of Choice" amendment.... of course the title implies EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE of what is intended....

And now healthcare.....The administration has finally realized that America DOES NOT WANT SOCIALIZED MEDICINE / GOVERNMENT-RUN HEALTHCARE...
SO now.... as of Sunday, Aug.16, 2009, the administration has conceded to 'public option." Wisely, public option has a much more 'public-friendly' ring to it,
much better than 'government - run, single payer, Socialized Medicine......

Please, America, do not be fooled.... this change in name is only a change in wording....the public option will be dependent upon "not-for-profit co-ops." These
co-ops will need 'seed' money from the U. S. government, and, eventually, will need subsidizing from the U. S. Government.... forcing these co-ops to be
dependent upon the government for their existence..... Yes, the Government will control the co-ops.... but the government does not want you to know that right now. And the government will be 'calling the shots' with your health.... please do not be fooled by the 'Trojan horse.'

Please, America, stay engaged in the healthcare process.... You have done a remarkable service to each and every one of us who loves this country.
Your presence, your questions, your conscientious reading of this 1,107- page bill has shocked our Washington cronies. Stay engaged...When the
people lead, the leaders will follow..... KEEP GOING....

God Bless You and God Bless the United States of America.....

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Retaining our Freedoms

My blog will deal with the importance of retaining our freedoms as Americans. Please do not expect my blog to offer any gossip-type conversation, i.e.,
Michelle Obama's biceps, her shopping spree in Paris, the 'date' in New York with her husband, a peace t-shirt on an Obama daughter, the antics of
the first family's dog.....I cannot waste my time on trivia, as our freedoms as Americans are threatened.....I do believe the media thrives on the gossip-type
subjects. We Americans seems to be easily distracted; but because of the gigantic changes taking place in our government, I do not believe we can
afford to be distracted.....
America, please, tune in, wake up, rise up...look at the whole picture of what is transpiring in our capital....

Today I am both discouraged and encouraged...discouraged because NBC- CBS- ABC- CNN and CNBC have been portraying the opposition to the healthcare reform
bill as unwarranted, 'right wing. All five media stations have reported the outbursts at the town hall meetings across the country as 'right wing plants, purposely disruptive,
Nancy Pelosi actually mentioned 'astroturf,' schwastika- wearing reactives. I fear perception is more important than the truth, providing perception is repeated enough times
to 'stick.' And when five stations are repeating incorrect perceptions....false perceptions become fact.

But I am encouraged....it is heartwarming to watch Americans 'show up" at town hall meetings like never before to express their disapproval to the healthcare reform bill...
For those of us who have spent hours each day trying to get through to the capitol, to the white house comment line, to our representatives, to our senators, yes, we are frustrated to the point of being out of control. We cannot fathom that our government does NOT understand that we, the American public, does not want this healthcare overhaul....Eighty-eight percent of Americans are covered by healthcare; 63 percent are very satisfied with our coverage. We are smart enough to know that overhauling our healthcare to 'single payer--the government--IS NOT necessary to refine and improve the present system of healthcare in the U. S. To change 88 percent to accommodate 12 percent does not make sense....We the people know that....
President Obama, You have underestimated us ...once again.....

You promised us transparency, changes posted on the government web site for ten days prior to vote, you promised that Washington WOULD NOT BE INFLUENCED BY LOBBYISTS during your administration; you promised you would take care of 'main street, not necessarily Wall St; you promised shovel ready programs that would get to the middle class quickly, bringing jobs.....You have continued to break promises...as if we were supposed to forget your campaign promises.....and now if you think we believe in HR3200, a healthcare program to which ALL FEDERAL EMPLOYEES ARE EXEMPT, think again....
To have discussions behind closed doors for 3 weeks is NOT enough discussion for us, Mr. President; or did you forget, this is America, this is the United States of America.
And we love the freedom to which our forefathers provided us; and we do not intend to be denied these freedoms.

God Bless the United States of America.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Safeway Corp. as a Healthcare Model


PRICES AND MALPRACTICE INSURANCE...we need NOT to reinforce a broken model (Medicare, Medicaid).

A 2,000 dollar deductible....Each employee spends his check on necessities....he thinks hard and fast about unnecessary tests and prescription drug usage.
Safeway tells each employee:

if you lessen your body fat, we shall lower your premium.
If you stop smoking, we shall lessen your premium.
If you exercise, we shall lessen your premium.
If you eat well, we shall lessen your premium...

What Safeway is successful at is incentivizing its employees.....what our HR 3200 does is to de-incentivize the taxpayer, making all the choices for the patient.
Safeway Corp has 200,000 employees....they are a success at what they do, and they monitor the employees.
Safeway trusts their employees to make good decisions....HR 3200 does not.
Think about this:
If HR 3200 passes, in less than four years your medical 'chip' will be sent to Washington D. C. to be scrutinized by IMAC (Intermediary Medical Advisory Commission).
This Commission will be your inevitable decision-maker... They will decide what the word "adequate" means; they will decide if you are 'young enough' to have a hip operation or a transplant. They will send out healthcare workers to advise you on your "How to Die Rights, your Living Will, Your Hospice advisor. All Elderly will be assigned and "End of Life" Counselor...but no one is told so far what age is considered 'elderly.....60 is the age written into the bill now....but that number is subject to change.
Socialized Medicine is when the Government makes all the decisions for you....Welcome to George Orwell's '1984.'
We lose our freedoms one step at a time....the attrition is subtle....the attrition is meant to be subtle....so we won't notice the over-reaching of this administration.....
(The preceding paragraph is based on fact....not opinion.)
The most vulnerable will be the very young and the very old; and the group who will pay the most will be those in their late twenties, early thirties, the rich and small businesses.
For almost 60 percent of us, the last 4 years of our life is 80 percent of our healthcare expense.....

America, wake up. Government-run takeover of healthcare is bad for your health.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Healthcare OVERHAUL by President Obama:

Here are just 7 reasons NOT to adopt HR 3200, Universal Healthcare . . . the government takeover . . . . .

1. The United States Postal Service: As of July 28, 2009, the postmaster general has informed Congress that our "GOVERNMENT- RUN POSTAL SERVICE' has
announced a 7 BILLION DOLLAR DEFICIT. The Postmaster General is requesting that mail be delivered 5 days a week . . . . .

Please be aware: Our postal system has a large inventory of homes . . . .you ask, "Homes, where would they come from?" In case you thought our postal system
just delivered mail and sold stamps, they also purchase homes of employees who are being transferred to other parts of the country. Who would ever
dream that our postal service had the jurisdiction to do such a thing . . . think again . . . With the downturn of the economy and home prices, perhaps you can
concur where some of the 7 billion dollar deficit is coming from . . . Some of the homes were in the million-dollar range. Dateline did the expose' on our
postal service 6 months ago, exploiting the far-reaching jurisdiction of the postal service . . . . .

2. Here is another reason to "just say NO” to Government Healthcare:
In 1971, in an admirable attempt to improve our railway system, our GOVERNMENT subsidized Amtrak. We, the taxpayers, were told that Amtrak would only need 2 years of subsidizing . . . Here we are in 2009, 36 years later, still carrying the yearly budget of Amtrak . . . which runs at a deficit each and every year . . .
May I recommend privatizing Amtrak and saving 2 1/2 billion a year?

3. Flu Shots: Last year we ran out of vaccine, and by yearend we were told that the flu vaccine had only been 44 percent effective . . . once again, the efficiency of our government is pathetic . . .

4. According to Al Lewis, Newswire . . . To date, we have spent 68 billion of the 787 billion dollar stimulus . . . that 68 billion spent - represents 450,000 dollars for each of the jobs created to date by the stimulus . . . think about that . . . That is more than twice the normal estimate by the GAO (Gov't. Accounting Office).

5. 9/11: Let me count the ways in which our government failed us: The CIA, FBI, NTSB, FAA, INS: All these government agencies failed us . . .
Wake up, America . . . please wake up.

6. ALL FEDERAL EMPLOYEES ARE EXEMPT FROM THE UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE COVERAGE . . . Please think about this: If HR 3200 is as good as our president says, why would he exempt Federal employees? Wake up, America . . . please wake up.

7. Our President promised that nothing would be voted on unless a bill had been "posted" for ten days . . . Once again, Mr. President, what is your hurry; and if "sunlight is the best disinfectant,” give us the time to read, evaluate and discuss HR 3200 . . . . . .

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Most of the news I absorb comes to me while I stand at the kitchen sink...washing dishes, dicing veggies, cleaning up, baking....I am rather ordinary, an abiding citizen a mother, a grandmother....a human being...

I love my country and democracy as if ‘freedom’ were my fourth child....it is with the same unconditional love that I stand tall for all the troops all over the world who have interrupted their lives, so that I may live free..I am passionate about my flag, "my troops" my country...I place them under the same umbrella under which I shelter my children, my grandchildren....I am proud beyond words to be an American....I am proud.....to salute my flag.

Although a life-long Democrat, I registered as an independent 4 years ago, as I lost faith In my government.... the Iraq War, Our open borders, our failed immigration policy...I did not leave my party; my party left me...

Although I did not vote for President Obama, I accepted the results of our election, and I hoped with my whole heart that he would perform well for my country, for our democracy. I have listened to the news with a subjective heart, rooting for the success of our economy and the integration of positive programs that uplift our country as a whole. Today I fear my economy will survive, but democracy will disappear.

I am disheartened today....Today I have walked to my computer and put on paper the concerns I have not articulated before today....To mention only a few:

1. Five days after the President Obama signed an executive order with an expenditure of 20.3 million dollars in migration assistance to the Palestinians. "The presidential determination will allow hundreds of thousands of Palestinians with ties to Hamas to resettle in the United States. This news astounds me...Executive Order, no less!

This bit of news WAS NOT covered by the media....

2. The first call to any head of state was to Mahoud Abbas, Leader of Fatah party in thePalestinian territory, Perhaps good public relations....I can accept that. PERHAPS YOU WANT TO DIMINISH OUR 'cowboy mentality" stereotype from the Bush years.

3. President Obama met with the families of the USS Cole victims and said to them, "that I will confer with you before taking any steps to release alleged- responsible "enemy combatants."

Two days later, without any guidance to the victims of the USS Cole, President Obama released Mohammed Binyam to the UK, where Mohammed Binyam will be released but " under surveillance." I repeat, released under surveillance...I am astounded by this news.

Mr. President, Kindly follow thru on your promises, so that ‘military families united' can find some closure....

4. We are told that Obama's administration will not employ lobbyists; yet, at last count I believe 14 lobbyists have been hired by President Obama... Rules the President himself had put into place in January were "waived" by the administration....Today lobbyists are running plentiful and rampant in our capitol....same old business in the beltway.

5. We are assured that the 'new administration will be entirely 'transparent, that any new bills will be POSTED FOR AT LEAST 5 DAYS' before being voted on....THAT HAS NOT HAPPENED ONCE....And the stimulus bill was promoted as being passed immediately for the sake of our economic stability. On thursday at11p.m., it was 'posted." On friday it was passed...very few having read it, and, although Obama said ‘speed of passage’ was mandatory, he waited 5 days to sign the bill in Denver, Colorado....

6. We have been told by Orzsag, Warren, Baird that a website will be set up , so that we citizens can 'track" each dollar of the stimulus; but last week we were informed that the site would not be ready till October, or perhaps even January, 2010.

Mr. President, We remember what you have said....We are NOT idiots....

7. We are told, "No one messes with Joe" However, Elizabeth Warren reiterated last week that, because the stimulus package is so huge, OF COURSE there will be some waste and fraud...President

Obama, make up your mind....transparency or Not?

8. We listen to Homeland Security Janet Napolitano in answer to the question, Don't you think we should close the southern border, as we know exactly where the swine flu initiated in Mexico. And Janet Napolitano replies, "Well, I don't think it would help to close the border because we know "the flu is already widespread." At that time, the swine flu had affected 5 states...5 states, Mr. President...we left the border open, giving the virus an opportunity to spread throughout our nation....

Mr. President, DO YOU THINK WE ARE STUPID. WE HAVE BEEN WATCHING FOR YEARS the protectionism attitude toward Mexico...Mr. President, We as Americans want to be protected first and foremost...that is your priority....to us, not Mexico.

9. Each morning, many of us get out bed, feed the dog, put out the rubbish barrels, pay our bills, feed our kids, get them ready for school, pay our bills, work hard, volunteer at schools, hospitals, etc....

We eliminate luxuries, so that we can afford a house.....We never stop working hard....Up until now I have NEVER resented paying my taxes....I resent it today, for I am no longer satisfied with how my hard-earned money is being spent. I love immigrants, I love sharing our country with those who want to be part of the United States of America, who also pay into our economic system, who learn English, who salute our flag with tears in their eyes as I do.

However, I DO resent illegal immigration. I resent those who have broken the law to enter our country, who do not pay into our system,, who send home up to sixteen-billion dollars to their homeland of Mexico to boost the GNP of their own country...not ours.! I resent those who come and receive free health care and free schooling and drain our economy, and feel that they must not learn English.There IS NOT ANOTHER COUNTRY IN THE WORLD WHO CONDONES AN OPEN BORDER....as we do. Yet, we risk security and economic stability and allow thousands to infiltrate our borders...

10. I RESENT the 3,000 plus illegals who walk over our borders each day, for the number of deaths in Iraq now is over 4300.....THIS IS NOT A FAIR TRADE.

11. I resent hearing you give a speech at Notre Dame, saying 'you want to lessen the number of abortions in the United States." MR. PRESIDENT, you voted 3 times in the Illinois state senate for 'late term abortion." Late-term abortion is a far-left stance to being 'pro-choice." Mr. President, do you think we are stupid? There is not a doubt in my mind that you have no intention of lessening the numbers of abortion in the United States of America....To watch an infant struggle to live and die in the arms of a caring nurse is a visual I shall never forget as long as I live. This late-term abortion sanctioning is--pure and simple--murder....

12. Over and over again, you repeated that as long as we passed the stimulus bill, we would not experience double-digit unemployment.... May I remind you, Mr. President, we passed the stimulus bill, and the unemployment is now 9.4%. Your mantra was that you would 'save or create' 3 to 4 million jobs." Last week we lost another 603,000 jobs...and, pray tell, what do you mean when you say "save or create," as most economists agree that the phrase "save or create"is impossible to prove or disprove....


13. You continue to say, "This is the moment." Well, please spare me the rhetoric.... this is NOT the moment I have been waiting for....

14. Mr. President, you promised during your campaign, "no more earmarks." Yet, 9,000 earmarks were included in the stimulus. You said these were not earmarks because "we knew about them beforehand." Mr. President, DO YOU THINK WE ARE STUPID? Earmarks are earmarks.... skip your newly-devised definition, please.

15. Working for welfare brought a wonderful sense of pride to welfare recipients; and President Clinton initiated 'the work for Welfare’ program in the nineties... You eliminated the 'work for

welfare’ Program under the stimulus, bringing an added- eventual burden to the States and diminishing the sense of pride in those recipients. Mr. President, most of us aspire when we are expected to do something for what we receive....

16. While dicing onions yesterday, I heard you announce your universal health care... Where are you getting the money? I have just been informed by my insurance company that my prescription allotment increased by $900. When asking why (since we do not have any prescriptions), I was told, "someone has to pay for all the people who cannot pay for their prescriptions....

Enough said....

17. In early January Joe Biden made a comment when asked about 'redistribution of wealth." Biden referred to the rich as 'the rot at the top." I am part of that rot; and I pay more than my fair share for those who have less than I. When my husband retired, he was working 2 1/2 days a week for the government.... and we paid our taxes gladly. We have worked hard all our lives...and WE RESENT BEING LABELLED 'THE ROT AT THE TOP.'

18. AS YOU BASH WALL STREET, KINDLY ASK ONE OF YOUR STAFF TO ACCUMULATE THE BILLIONS--MAYBE TRILLIONS--OF DOLLARS WALL STREET HAS ACCUMULATED IN FUNDRAISING FOR goodwill causes, research, hospitals, schools for handicapped children...the list goes on and on....

19.You think we are not listening.... but you are wrong...we are ready to march, and march we shall against your immigration bill of amnesty coming to a 'theater near us" in the coming weeks. OUR TEA PARTIES HAVE BEEN SMALL.... BUT WE SHALL GROW IN SIZE AND MARCH.... IN YOUR BACK YARD... SO YOU CAN NO LONGER IGNORE US.

20. YOU Proclaim to be against the 'fairness Doctrine." Yet, like your pro-abortion stance, you work behind the scenes to stifle our voices.