Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Most of the news I absorb comes to me while I stand at the kitchen sink...washing dishes, dicing veggies, cleaning up, baking....I am rather ordinary, an abiding citizen a mother, a grandmother....a human being...

I love my country and democracy as if ‘freedom’ were my fourth is with the same unconditional love that I stand tall for all the troops all over the world who have interrupted their lives, so that I may live free..I am passionate about my flag, "my troops" my country...I place them under the same umbrella under which I shelter my children, my grandchildren....I am proud beyond words to be an American....I am salute my flag.

Although a life-long Democrat, I registered as an independent 4 years ago, as I lost faith In my government.... the Iraq War, Our open borders, our failed immigration policy...I did not leave my party; my party left me...

Although I did not vote for President Obama, I accepted the results of our election, and I hoped with my whole heart that he would perform well for my country, for our democracy. I have listened to the news with a subjective heart, rooting for the success of our economy and the integration of positive programs that uplift our country as a whole. Today I fear my economy will survive, but democracy will disappear.

I am disheartened today....Today I have walked to my computer and put on paper the concerns I have not articulated before today....To mention only a few:

1. Five days after the President Obama signed an executive order with an expenditure of 20.3 million dollars in migration assistance to the Palestinians. "The presidential determination will allow hundreds of thousands of Palestinians with ties to Hamas to resettle in the United States. This news astounds me...Executive Order, no less!

This bit of news WAS NOT covered by the media....

2. The first call to any head of state was to Mahoud Abbas, Leader of Fatah party in thePalestinian territory, Perhaps good public relations....I can accept that. PERHAPS YOU WANT TO DIMINISH OUR 'cowboy mentality" stereotype from the Bush years.

3. President Obama met with the families of the USS Cole victims and said to them, "that I will confer with you before taking any steps to release alleged- responsible "enemy combatants."

Two days later, without any guidance to the victims of the USS Cole, President Obama released Mohammed Binyam to the UK, where Mohammed Binyam will be released but " under surveillance." I repeat, released under surveillance...I am astounded by this news.

Mr. President, Kindly follow thru on your promises, so that ‘military families united' can find some closure....

4. We are told that Obama's administration will not employ lobbyists; yet, at last count I believe 14 lobbyists have been hired by President Obama... Rules the President himself had put into place in January were "waived" by the administration....Today lobbyists are running plentiful and rampant in our capitol....same old business in the beltway.

5. We are assured that the 'new administration will be entirely 'transparent, that any new bills will be POSTED FOR AT LEAST 5 DAYS' before being voted on....THAT HAS NOT HAPPENED ONCE....And the stimulus bill was promoted as being passed immediately for the sake of our economic stability. On thursday at11p.m., it was 'posted." On friday it was passed...very few having read it, and, although Obama said ‘speed of passage’ was mandatory, he waited 5 days to sign the bill in Denver, Colorado....

6. We have been told by Orzsag, Warren, Baird that a website will be set up , so that we citizens can 'track" each dollar of the stimulus; but last week we were informed that the site would not be ready till October, or perhaps even January, 2010.

Mr. President, We remember what you have said....We are NOT idiots....

7. We are told, "No one messes with Joe" However, Elizabeth Warren reiterated last week that, because the stimulus package is so huge, OF COURSE there will be some waste and fraud...President

Obama, make up your mind....transparency or Not?

8. We listen to Homeland Security Janet Napolitano in answer to the question, Don't you think we should close the southern border, as we know exactly where the swine flu initiated in Mexico. And Janet Napolitano replies, "Well, I don't think it would help to close the border because we know "the flu is already widespread." At that time, the swine flu had affected 5 states...5 states, Mr. President...we left the border open, giving the virus an opportunity to spread throughout our nation....

Mr. President, DO YOU THINK WE ARE STUPID. WE HAVE BEEN WATCHING FOR YEARS the protectionism attitude toward Mexico...Mr. President, We as Americans want to be protected first and foremost...that is your us, not Mexico.

9. Each morning, many of us get out bed, feed the dog, put out the rubbish barrels, pay our bills, feed our kids, get them ready for school, pay our bills, work hard, volunteer at schools, hospitals, etc....

We eliminate luxuries, so that we can afford a house.....We never stop working hard....Up until now I have NEVER resented paying my taxes....I resent it today, for I am no longer satisfied with how my hard-earned money is being spent. I love immigrants, I love sharing our country with those who want to be part of the United States of America, who also pay into our economic system, who learn English, who salute our flag with tears in their eyes as I do.

However, I DO resent illegal immigration. I resent those who have broken the law to enter our country, who do not pay into our system,, who send home up to sixteen-billion dollars to their homeland of Mexico to boost the GNP of their own country...not ours.! I resent those who come and receive free health care and free schooling and drain our economy, and feel that they must not learn English.There IS NOT ANOTHER COUNTRY IN THE WORLD WHO CONDONES AN OPEN we do. Yet, we risk security and economic stability and allow thousands to infiltrate our borders...

10. I RESENT the 3,000 plus illegals who walk over our borders each day, for the number of deaths in Iraq now is over 4300.....THIS IS NOT A FAIR TRADE.

11. I resent hearing you give a speech at Notre Dame, saying 'you want to lessen the number of abortions in the United States." MR. PRESIDENT, you voted 3 times in the Illinois state senate for 'late term abortion." Late-term abortion is a far-left stance to being 'pro-choice." Mr. President, do you think we are stupid? There is not a doubt in my mind that you have no intention of lessening the numbers of abortion in the United States of America....To watch an infant struggle to live and die in the arms of a caring nurse is a visual I shall never forget as long as I live. This late-term abortion sanctioning is--pure and simple--murder....

12. Over and over again, you repeated that as long as we passed the stimulus bill, we would not experience double-digit unemployment.... May I remind you, Mr. President, we passed the stimulus bill, and the unemployment is now 9.4%. Your mantra was that you would 'save or create' 3 to 4 million jobs." Last week we lost another 603,000 jobs...and, pray tell, what do you mean when you say "save or create," as most economists agree that the phrase "save or create"is impossible to prove or disprove....


13. You continue to say, "This is the moment." Well, please spare me the rhetoric.... this is NOT the moment I have been waiting for....

14. Mr. President, you promised during your campaign, "no more earmarks." Yet, 9,000 earmarks were included in the stimulus. You said these were not earmarks because "we knew about them beforehand." Mr. President, DO YOU THINK WE ARE STUPID? Earmarks are earmarks.... skip your newly-devised definition, please.

15. Working for welfare brought a wonderful sense of pride to welfare recipients; and President Clinton initiated 'the work for Welfare’ program in the nineties... You eliminated the 'work for

welfare’ Program under the stimulus, bringing an added- eventual burden to the States and diminishing the sense of pride in those recipients. Mr. President, most of us aspire when we are expected to do something for what we receive....

16. While dicing onions yesterday, I heard you announce your universal health care... Where are you getting the money? I have just been informed by my insurance company that my prescription allotment increased by $900. When asking why (since we do not have any prescriptions), I was told, "someone has to pay for all the people who cannot pay for their prescriptions....

Enough said....

17. In early January Joe Biden made a comment when asked about 'redistribution of wealth." Biden referred to the rich as 'the rot at the top." I am part of that rot; and I pay more than my fair share for those who have less than I. When my husband retired, he was working 2 1/2 days a week for the government.... and we paid our taxes gladly. We have worked hard all our lives...and WE RESENT BEING LABELLED 'THE ROT AT THE TOP.'

18. AS YOU BASH WALL STREET, KINDLY ASK ONE OF YOUR STAFF TO ACCUMULATE THE BILLIONS--MAYBE TRILLIONS--OF DOLLARS WALL STREET HAS ACCUMULATED IN FUNDRAISING FOR goodwill causes, research, hospitals, schools for handicapped children...the list goes on and on....

19.You think we are not listening.... but you are wrong...we are ready to march, and march we shall against your immigration bill of amnesty coming to a 'theater near us" in the coming weeks. OUR TEA PARTIES HAVE BEEN SMALL.... BUT WE SHALL GROW IN SIZE AND MARCH.... IN YOUR BACK YARD... SO YOU CAN NO LONGER IGNORE US.

20. YOU Proclaim to be against the 'fairness Doctrine." Yet, like your pro-abortion stance, you work behind the scenes to stifle our voices.