Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Obama Dictionary of Trickery

Here is a problem:
The Obama Administration is brilliant in 'adjusting' their language when they find out from the polls that we Americans do not like certain words, i.e., we don't like
the word 'nationalizing,' our banks, so Geitner decided to convert preferred stock to common (The U. S. Government now owns 34 percent of Citigroup). When polls indicated that Americans shuddered at the thought of a government 'takeover' of the auto industry, the current administration decided to rename the process as a "rescue." The administration proceeded to ignore contractual law, take control of Chrysler and General Motors, rewarding the unions with substantial ownership and left hundreds of dealerships across our country literally "out in the cold," even though most of these dealerships were profitable . . . .
When the Obama Administration realized the outcry from Americans concerning the" card-check".... eliminating secret ballots for union membership.... wisely, the administration renamed the amendment "Freedom of Choice" amendment.... of course the title implies EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE of what is intended....

And now healthcare.....The administration has finally realized that America DOES NOT WANT SOCIALIZED MEDICINE / GOVERNMENT-RUN HEALTHCARE...
SO now.... as of Sunday, Aug.16, 2009, the administration has conceded to 'public option." Wisely, public option has a much more 'public-friendly' ring to it,
much better than 'government - run, single payer, Socialized Medicine......

Please, America, do not be fooled.... this change in name is only a change in wording....the public option will be dependent upon "not-for-profit co-ops." These
co-ops will need 'seed' money from the U. S. government, and, eventually, will need subsidizing from the U. S. Government.... forcing these co-ops to be
dependent upon the government for their existence..... Yes, the Government will control the co-ops.... but the government does not want you to know that right now. And the government will be 'calling the shots' with your health.... please do not be fooled by the 'Trojan horse.'

Please, America, stay engaged in the healthcare process.... You have done a remarkable service to each and every one of us who loves this country.
Your presence, your questions, your conscientious reading of this 1,107- page bill has shocked our Washington cronies. Stay engaged...When the
people lead, the leaders will follow..... KEEP GOING....

God Bless You and God Bless the United States of America.....

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Retaining our Freedoms

My blog will deal with the importance of retaining our freedoms as Americans. Please do not expect my blog to offer any gossip-type conversation, i.e.,
Michelle Obama's biceps, her shopping spree in Paris, the 'date' in New York with her husband, a peace t-shirt on an Obama daughter, the antics of
the first family's dog.....I cannot waste my time on trivia, as our freedoms as Americans are threatened.....I do believe the media thrives on the gossip-type
subjects. We Americans seems to be easily distracted; but because of the gigantic changes taking place in our government, I do not believe we can
afford to be distracted.....
America, please, tune in, wake up, rise up...look at the whole picture of what is transpiring in our capital....

Today I am both discouraged and encouraged...discouraged because NBC- CBS- ABC- CNN and CNBC have been portraying the opposition to the healthcare reform
bill as unwarranted, 'right wing. All five media stations have reported the outbursts at the town hall meetings across the country as 'right wing plants, purposely disruptive,
Nancy Pelosi actually mentioned 'astroturf,' schwastika- wearing reactives. I fear perception is more important than the truth, providing perception is repeated enough times
to 'stick.' And when five stations are repeating incorrect perceptions....false perceptions become fact.

But I am is heartwarming to watch Americans 'show up" at town hall meetings like never before to express their disapproval to the healthcare reform bill...
For those of us who have spent hours each day trying to get through to the capitol, to the white house comment line, to our representatives, to our senators, yes, we are frustrated to the point of being out of control. We cannot fathom that our government does NOT understand that we, the American public, does not want this healthcare overhaul....Eighty-eight percent of Americans are covered by healthcare; 63 percent are very satisfied with our coverage. We are smart enough to know that overhauling our healthcare to 'single payer--the government--IS NOT necessary to refine and improve the present system of healthcare in the U. S. To change 88 percent to accommodate 12 percent does not make sense....We the people know that....
President Obama, You have underestimated us ...once again.....

You promised us transparency, changes posted on the government web site for ten days prior to vote, you promised that Washington WOULD NOT BE INFLUENCED BY LOBBYISTS during your administration; you promised you would take care of 'main street, not necessarily Wall St; you promised shovel ready programs that would get to the middle class quickly, bringing jobs.....You have continued to break if we were supposed to forget your campaign promises.....and now if you think we believe in HR3200, a healthcare program to which ALL FEDERAL EMPLOYEES ARE EXEMPT, think again....
To have discussions behind closed doors for 3 weeks is NOT enough discussion for us, Mr. President; or did you forget, this is America, this is the United States of America.
And we love the freedom to which our forefathers provided us; and we do not intend to be denied these freedoms.

God Bless the United States of America.