Monday, August 1, 2011


When you give a ten-year-old a dollar and he loses it, you do not give him another.

When you hand the keys over to your 17-year-old, and he “totals” the car, you do not loan him the car for the Prom.

When you hire a 30-year-old, and he is late every day of the week, you fire him.

Likewise, the U. S. Government has been over-indulging themselves for 30 years . . . at the taxpayers’ expense. The U.S. government has used OUR money to live way-too-well within the beltway; and, furthermore, has used OUR money for their re-election . . .with no accountability.

We watched the hysteria in September, 2008, preceding the first stimulus: Remember the words catastrophic, crisis, and calamitous depression and we handed over the money . . .

Welcome to Rahm Emmanuel. . . “Never waste a good crisis.”

Then, another 'shovel-ready' stimulus of $862 billion, and we were assured once again, that as long as we voted for the stimulus, the unemployment rate would NOT go above 8 percent . . . The unemployment rate is now 9.2 percent, with the under-employment rate at 16 percent . . .

Welcome to Wheel of Fortune . . .

For the first time in US history, we witnessed a U. S. corporation NOT uphold contractual law; and GM was handed over to the villains –the unions – who created its demise . . .

Welcome to Venezuela . . .

Thanks to Senator Scott Brown – his vote in favor for cloture and his 'yes' vote as No. 41 in the Senate, we allowed Dodd-Frank to compile a Financial Regulation Reform Act. Predictions are that this Act will close the doors of 100 banks before the end of 2012 . . .Please remember that Chris Dodd and Barney Frank were in charge of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac before their collapse in 2008 . . . Please remember it was Barney Frank who stood in front of a microphone from Washington in July of 2008 and said to the American public that both agencies were “rock-solid” and a “good investment.”

Welcome to reality TV . . .

Please keep in mind that the Financial Regulation Reform Act puts the unaccountable power in the hands of our US Banks in the hands of the Federal Reserve, the Treasury and our Executive Branch . . .

Welcome to Russia . . .

Thanks to Senator Scott Brown, Elizabeth Warren was handed 400 million dollars to create the largest bureaucracy in American history . . . She created the Consumer Protection Agency, which will chill the blood of small business with its over-regulation . . . and keep small business from expanding and hiring thus deterring the US GDP.

Last Friday, July 29th, 2011 GDP was down-graded to 1.3 percent. . .

Welcome to Dancing with the Stars . . .

This present administration has chosen to regulate what they cannot legislate, i.e., card check, EPA Carbon tax and immigration.

Welcome to Communist China . . .

Once again, I beg you to call your congressmen and senators (links provided on left.) and ask for a short-term extension for the debt ceiling and a balanced-budget amendment.

God Bless you and God Bless the United States of America.

1 comment:

  1. Now Congress has raised the debt ceiling, just what have we all gained? Has so-called Congress put themselves into a box whereby the gang of 12 will eventually decide our fate? Have they once again gone beyond the bounds of the Constitution.
    I hope morals and sanity decide the next election, not the power of money. If nothing, the Tea Party brought the horror show that has lingered on from constant increases in debt ceiling to the forefront. Congrats to them!
    Oh! $$$$Happy Birthday, President Obama.
